Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Psychic Predictions and Horoscopes For 2009

First Impression: The words that came for 2009 were "...a river of blood, a river of change". The potential for bloodshed, big earth changes and revolution show up in 2009. Change is transformational: major change keeps on coming, like a river rolling along, changing the landscape, depositing people in new places.

Perhaps one difference between difficult times in the past and today, is that we're aware of technological breakthroughs that make it evident we can innovate to success. Positive directions will be in sight.


Numerology: 2009 is a "two" year, and will be full of dualities, for instance in the U.S., we'll go back and forth between transformation (the Obama agenda) and dealing with the past (trials, wars). The extreme volatility of the stock market is another "2" feature, and likely reaches a bottom. Lifestyle and domain changes can be extreme. Some boundaries change, or try to.

In numerology, 2 and 9 break down to two numbers: 2 and 11. (Eleven is considered a master number, so you don't break it down.) In an "eleven" year, mastery is on display. Individuals can better manage their own lives now, and in the U.S., masterful people are at the helm and immediately take the country in a better direction, despite great frustrations.

"Eleven" also connotes spiritual growth, and this year many feel they are gaining mastery over their own selves. A lot of people are feeling healed. There's a big wave of people who are feeling a lot better about where they're going and what they're doing in life. Successful action marks the year-- in it, a lot of people get set up for future success, and find it's easier to align their heart, mind, and will.

The Speaking Stones: The stones mystified me. I believe they were portraying a disorganized landscape, like an earthquake, or the ultimate disorganization of some collective body, like a revolution. The Speaking Stones' reflection of destabilizing and transformative circumstances in 2009 fit various scenarios already in the air: earthquakes in Yellowstone, economic collapse, (and Europe looking more affected than the U.S.); border changes, war.

The Oh Cards: There were many images that showed the same thing, a striking contrast between the soaring spirit of people, their hope, and the state of the world at the moment. One image for America portrayed its renewed spirit and the Obama agenda: It's a big traffic light hanging over a beautiful highway, and the light's green and flashing "go"--there's a straightforward way clearly laid out for things to work. And all around the edges of this beautiful scene are different threats.

Gifts from Outer Space:New concepts, originating from some alien intelligence, seed the air with ideas about how to orchestrate and harmonize larger systems, giving us inspiration to change how we deliver energy and maintain power. There's the impression that on other planets, there's some kind of grid and everyone's plugged into it, and certain amenities are just taken for granted: that people have the right to power, and there's not such a profit structure around it.

The Earth: Better growing methods are introduced and greater respect shown for the earth. There is more community activity. Wildlife need help from humans more than any other life on earth.

Out in the world: It's very difficult for the United States to see how they can achieve the goals of balance and effect real change--a way is not provided at first, as if at first some serious you-know-what has to go down. The President of France does have to be careful -- he could still be a target. Morocco is in some circumstance that it should wait and see what develops...different people come forward, routes change, and an alliance with another place strengthens systems of delivering things. Alaska's position will improve: it is destined to benefit from something useful there but not yet realized, and to get more integrated with the rest of the country. There's still the idea of California getting rescued, something working out for California...California gets bailed out; and if there were any earth changes that affected part of the state, it would get relief. Women come to the forefront whom have the knowledge and healing ways that are needed now.

Heart Openings: There's a growing and perceptible change in peoples' attitude towards each other and a greater spirit of cooperation --this is what makes all the difference in the world. Maybe that's why the prescient Mayans named this time, "when consciousness surpasses technology." This is when things get interesting-- when it becomes apparent that human evolution is a matter of being able to feel more and receive more love-- and to give. A mass of hearts open amidst the rubble and chaos and hard realities that litter 2009.

Personal Guidance for 2009:

At all costs, conserve your energy. Choose peace over power.

If you decide to have a good time this year...well, you certainly can! Creativity is off the hook, and ideas abound--that's one reason it's hard to get really depressed about how bad things might look. Expect to have a very good time in 2009, seek what fulfills you, and you shall find it.

2009 Psychic Messages for the Astrological Signs

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

Aries: You modernize this year: You get into new markets and use more technology to work with your god-given talents. Partnerships serve social, personal, and professional needs-- this is an interesting, highly creative year for collaborations. The part you do is not the final step or end product. Be your own authority and trust your creative instincts. Only be willing to be complicated and intense with creative projects, not relationships. Proceed with authority doing what you see fit; your decisions are good because they're grounded in self-knowledge.

Taurus: The truer understanding you have of yourself and those you love create a change in your relationships and possibly location this year. You are surrounded by the creative spirit but an idea doesn't quite land, or the full form does not quite manifest at this time--there's still a debate about what to do, where exactly to direct your energy. You're not ready yet, but keep on engaging with creative energy, and exploring it. Do not judge yourself according to financial measures of success, or insist that this be a fruitful year in terms of material gain. It's much better to put energy into making yourself more potent, more creative and spontaneous, and more willing to do new things. Re staying in balance: even more than the last couple of years, your body will need more exercise and maintenance to stay relaxed, flexible and fit. It's well worth the effort!

Gemini: Be careful this year of overextending yourself or trying to do too much. Everything can still be great and you can take it a little easier. This year, you're hard at work and right in the middle of your interesting plans and strategies. Everything is on course, because it looks like you're engaged in what is most true-to-you to do. Even difficult circumstances seem to end you up in a place you can appreciate. You're happy about where and how you end up in 2009.

Cancer: You may feel you made a mistake in some area, or created a loss for yourself. Perhaps an expectation was not reached. On the other hand, you'll have some of the most fun times in 2009 with either your work or your significant others. This could be a very high year of experiences that are really like a happier, higher level of your prior experiences. You would see a way to do something that really turns you on--you get backing for something. You may be surprised at how fun this year is.

Leo: 2009 flower reading: This year you will expect a lot, you have delivered a lot, and a lot will be expected of you. You are putting all your cards on the table, letting people know how creative you are and what you can do. You act more maturely, enjoying the challenge of your responsibilities. You are in service this year, but you're also living it up! Last but not least, you are leaving behind what didn't work. Tarot: In some way, you are dealing with a difficult situation that you have to think your way out of ...something might force you to abandon some goals, some directions, and look to others.

Virgo: Grace enters your life in some profound way. It would be very difficult to think of this year as anything but a success, even though you may be stressed to the max before you succeed. There's more of a strain in your life in the beginning of the year, Success comes through doing new things, your relationships, new environments, and new directions. Relationships are very important to your well-being this year, and you're very important to other people. You have to traverse a certain distance for more material success, and must help yourself now and get support to get to a better place. What you lack is not important, only to hang in there and go further than you ever have before, feeling life is better, richer, and more rewarding.

Libra: You get into more joyful circumstances this year, but you do have to make moves to make this happen. Even though you have to be pro-active and recognize and take opportunities, Divine Providence also operates in your life this year. You may find yourself going back and forth between locations; in some way there's a consideration of changing domains. It could be that with your creativity you need a different venue that appreciates it and will pay for it. There's something that you're outgrowing, and are moving towards more money for whatever it is you do--and you are now delivering a lot more for the money that people pay you. You need to spread out and see where else you can operate or perform.

Scorpio: A lot of light comes into the lives of Scorpios in 2009, and even so, there can be the profound end of things. What needs to grow is light in your life, and this might involve quite a change in circumstances can be quite changing. Changes happen when partnerships and alliances are strong, so there is support through change. You receive deep insight, a knowing you didn't have; there's tremendous movement within you. Never underestimate are reborn this year! Opportunity comes that answers a lot of questions, that really works for you.

Sagittarius: You are forgiven, if you're feeling guilty about something. There's no need to be punished, the difficulty you've had is enough. You get new chances, and there are better arrangements up ahead. You appear to have no past, no karma...2009 is an in-the-present, opportunistic, inspired and positive time because of what comes your way. You do get opportunities, or have a big brainstorm about what you can do or start. You get a chance to start something new, to begin in a new place and you really like where it goes and the people you meet because of it. Financial opportunity comes when you have a wider view of where you can end up.

Capricorn: 2009 is a clarifying year, and you emerge a finer person. It can be a super-creative and rich time, but it doesn't necessarily mean you're making a lot of money. You're going to figure out whatever you need to satisfy yourself and deal with reality. In order for you to be happy, you make decisions that make waves...even so, make those decisions for your own happiness, so that things work for you. It's time to go out of your comfort zone in some way, and you could travel to faraway places. Avoid taking chances or speculating in the beginning of the year. If you're trying to expand professionally, be's likely that trying to expand now would take more energy than it's worth. This year's different...enjoy it!!

Aquarius: You benefit in 2009 the moment the Sun goes into your sign: your birthday year begins with a tremendously fortunate astrological aspect meaning you get very clear directions about the right path this year, your new beginnings are blessed, and you begin a cycle of positive growth. This comes on the heels of thinking that you gave up something, but good karma comes your way, you get an awful lot back.

Pisces: You might go in a different direction than you first expected. It's a year of adventures, and you go exploring, expanding your sense of home, and having experiences that satisfy karmic relationships. You are flourishing but may not cut ties with what is not flourishing-- with the past.

Where there's a will there's a way, and what has a lot of will this year is your heart. Your heart is opening and magnetizing people and places to you in which you can grow and thrive --and avenues develop, as you find your way back to a strong direction, and it's a different place, but it feels right.

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